Conquering LOVE Behind Bars
This episode of #DLTV shows how Jameca McGhee’s experience growing up with an Intellectually Disabled and incarcerated Father made her stronger, braver, conqueror!
Jameca’s Father became incarcerated when she was 2-years old until his death in November 2015…approximately 5-months prior to his date of execution for the crime of capital murder. Today, she fights for incarceration rates and execution standards for people with disabilities in GA. With all DUE respect for the victims, their families and all extenuating circumstances, she arms herself with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Atkins v. Virginia (2002) that the execution of those with mental retardation (intellectual disability) is unconstitutional. To date, the success rate is 11% in the state of Georgia.
Her childhood experience consisted of two parents who believed in and cared for her from two very different places – physically and psychologically. Unbeknownst to her, visits to the prisons and conversations between glass windows were normal. Nevertheless, this native Georgian (i.e. “Peach”), licensed Aesthetician, Clothing designer, yoga instructor and so much more proudly wears an incredible smile that lights the room behind a dark life-experience of 1-crime, many victims…for which she qualifies.
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