Welcome Friends! Thank You for joining us. This is the Introduction of a publication that I was divinely inspired
to write. It is All 4 Gospels of the NKJV combined into ONE. Prophecies are fulfilled and shown throughout. There is Commentary on all of
Jesus's Parables, and many other things He did. We are excited for you to Come with us as we Dive into Jesus Christ's Life and learn the TRUTH in its purest form. We will attempt to show you Essentially that His words were, still are, and forever will be TIMELESS… You will see why the man we know as Jesus of Nazareth was believed to be a piece of God himself in human form (One of the Divine Trinity) Who left His Glorious Home in Heaven to be born as an infant and endure all that we endured and much more to show us how humans were meant to live out their lives. The Divine Trinity being God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You will witness here the love He had for these people He met. You will witness the helpfulness He bestowed on everyone He met. You will also encounter the humbleness He had despite who He was proven to be. What we must understand is the bible was meant to be an instruction manual. Throughout the book there are life lessons to be learned taught by normal people just like you and me. There are men and women living out their lives who are Holy and Sinful. We are all humans, and no one is perfect except the man you are about to learn about. Despite the sins committed by these people, God inspired them by appearing to them and divinely inspiring seasons of their lives. This is where we get all the information that we see in the bible. This is what He is doing to us right now. This is what He could do to you in the future if you only believe it to be so and follow Him. Now let’s meet the man that inspired so many then and is changing lives even to this day in 2023. Just under 2,000 years has this man inspired people to forget themselves and love others to enhance their lives spiritually and mentally, and physically.
I encourage you to go ahead and listen to the Full publication that is posted to this platform. It consists of 7 Parts. 1-6 correlating to the amount of days God used to create the Universe/World and everything in it. The 7th correlating to a day of rest which is used for reflection and praise. The Parts individually also consist of 7 Chapters each. totaling 42 Chapters in all. I did not plan for this by the way. It is just how it turned out by God's Grace.
There is a breakdown of the Audio introduction Below. Also there is an Audio breakdown of the content of each Part within each episode.
So you can use it for quick reference of who Jesus was and what he did.
3:40 You Will Walk with Him
5:40 They try and Kill the Child
7:30 He Chooses His Father’s Business