In 1982, Soulsonic Force released "Planet Rock," and a new sound was born. The style that evolved was immediately embraced by the young Latin community that had no music to call their own. It relied heavily on Latin percussion, and themes of romance, love, and partying. Shannon's " Let the Music Play" became a Top 10 Mainstream hit and the doors opened for this style. Freestyle's Top 40 Radio airplay probably reached it's height of popularity in 1987. The music has remained popular in the Latin community in cities like Miami, New York and Los Angeles . Fans of Disco ,hungry for the nightclub scene of the late 70s easily transitioned to Freestyle . since the genre was played at clubs similar to the " Discotheques" of years past. This mix contains a variety of artists representative of that era, although many are still missing from this compilation. As a DJ in Miami during that period I've selected tracks that were popular in the clubs I played at. Miami freestyle and New York Freestyle has distinctive sounds, enjoy the mix and like my Facebook Page at