How goes there, DTD-ers? This is a good week. For one, we are NOT discussing an episode of Pistol. Second, and more importantly, we have the opportunity to discuss Kevin Egan's WHAT AWAITS US: A BEYIND STORY, which is - pleasant surprise - NOT about the vegetarian meat substitute, and is instead about his legendary hardcore band, BEYOND. The film is more than that, too, although we're not gonna tell you what that "more" is; the only way you're gonna find out is to listen to the episode (and, of course, watch Egan's film). And while we're on the topic of telling you about things that we aren't telling you about because we want you to listen to the episode, let us also not tell you to keep listening AFTER the outro to hear additional, secret content. That's right, we're not saying anything! You're gonna have to listen for yourself to discover that we talk (for too long!) about a recent, and kind of silly, Brooklyn Vegan article. So you should just DO THE WORK! NOW!