Halloween, or Samhain Eve, as it's also known in Ireland, is when ghost stories are told around the fire, and tonight I have a short ghost story to tell, set in the grand environs of St. Anne’s Park, Dublin. This park, a former private estate, was once owned and lived in by members of the famous Guinness family, over a century ago. Fado, fado, as we Irish say, when starting a story. That means long, long ago. It’s a story that’s sure to inspire your Halloween Creativity, because the 12 “Follies” that remain in this renowned park, are not just a homage to the classical and pagan world, and its mythological figures and architecture, they also are a portal into another world. This story is sure to transport you in your imagination to another place and time....
Visuals credits: All paintings are originals by Donna Emerald. Photos are courtesy of Wikipedia Commons files, unattributed, except for shot of the park by Andriusbu (2009) , and several, including those of the "boathouse" temple, and the "Herculanean" temple, provided courtesy of zen-mind.com . Drone footage is courtesy of Luciann Photography, at pexels. The thumbnail image is a self-portrait by Gustav Courbet, also a public domain image. Other video footage was my own, and I want to extend my thanks to everyone who documented this wonderful spot in Dublin, for us all to enjoy, and be creatively inspired by, this Halloween, and beyond. If you love true scary stories, and art, you're sure to enjoy this Halloween story from Ireland, read aloud against a backdrop of art, photography and cinematically jaw-dropping drone footage of the park.