This episode starts with a meandering 15 minute, turned 1 hour, trip to the coffee shop. Google maps outlined ways for me to go but when I came across some of the streets, I decided not to go down them. Some were too hilly, some too broken up or muddy. In any case I would change directions and then try to find another route. I came to crossroads, deadends and consequently made many U turns.
I did, however, reach my destination.
As I was meandering, I thought of just how much life can be like that. We start off in one direction and usually end up making some kind of adjustment to our plans. I know I have been on many detours and run into 2 practice marriages.
How are you doing? Are you up for changes too? Retirement can create many of these situations for us, especially if we did not plan on it. Then what's a person to do?
Listen to some of my meandering thoughts and see if you might agree.