Robots that draw, virtual art exhibitions and augmented reality art? Today we’re hanging out with Helen Farley, an artist, inventor, teacher, and all-around-creative who is passionate about bringing together arts and engineering as well as inspiring the future generation to think creatively. Did you know that 65% of children in school today will go into jobs that don’t even exist yet? Join us on this exciting chat about robots, virtual reality, and other ways art and science can come together to create something special!Find Helen: Instagram: @helen_elizabeth_farleyWebsite:'s new tattoo studio: @studiohellae
We’re now on Patreon! If you don’t know what Patreon is, it is a platform where you can support your favorite creatives with a monthly pledge that you can change or delete any time. Our Patreon page will work as a tip jar, with one tier that is 2 euros a month (or more if you wish). The money will go towards paying for our podcast hosting fees. In the future, we hope to also create exclusive content for you on Patreon. So if you enjoy listening to our podcast, consider supporting us on Patreon!
You can find us online:Instagram: @drawingclubpodcastWe’d love to hear from you! You can email us at [email protected] Or dm us on our Instagram @drawingclubpodcastSupport us on Patreon: can find Mia:Instagram: @mia.minervaYoutube: Mia MinervaWebsite: miaminerva.fiYou can find Sasha:Instagram: @sasha_kretovaWebsite: sashakretova.comThe Drawing Club Podcast is created by Mia Minerva and Sasha Kretova.Olli Aarni created the theme song and helped with audio recording.Dmitri Zherbin did the audio mastering.Welcome to the club, friends!