📢In this episode of the E-Commerce Expander Secrets podcast, host Tommy Henbest is joined by Rohit Nair, from Assureful.
Compliant with Amazon and Walmart
If your Amazon sales exceed $10,000 in one month, you must have Commercial General Liability Insurance. Assureful has been built for you.
Smart AI-driven rating and pricing for mandatory insurance. Assureful is Smart.
We cover products made in China, Private Label products, resellers and wholesalers. We know eCommerce.
Not just Amazon, Assureful covers all your sales and sales channels. Assureful protects your business.
Assureful looks at the products you’ve sold in the previous month and invoices you. Assureful is monthly-billed and usage-based insurance.
If you add new products to connected Amazon accounts, no need to tell us. Assureful is "Plug-in and Forget" insurance.
Connected directly to your Seller AccountsCovering 32,000 product categoriesAll your sales channelsPay-as-you-SellSell fully assured
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