* Mailbag!
* Josh catches us up with the production.
* Email from Michael: Elementalist spell idea.
* Feedback on why Flameweapon doesn't work on arrows.
* From Joel: Only 3 councilors in Travar
* More from Michael : Weaponsmiths and downtime.
* From Cobrasai: Thanks for connection with Foundry team.
* Healing potions and the "bonus" Step 8 test.
* From Eli: Horrors targeting other netherworlds? Elemental planes? Land of the Dead?
* Ideas for teaching Earthdawn to new players?
* Pregenerated characters?
* What happens to Death's Sea when the magic level is low?
* Ideas about the Ivory Codex.
* Where to find info about Aardelea?
* Namegiver cross-breeding?
* Adjusting difficulty for small groups (2 or 3 characters)?
* Organizations that help those emerging from kaers?
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