As you know, this series of the podcast is taking a look at eating disorder provision in the UK and the last 12 months under the shadow of the COVID pandemic has been a challenge to say the least – both in terms of service provision but also in terms of how families and those with eating disorders have had to adapt to manage their illness.
We’ve seen lots in the media about the impact of COVID on those with eating disorders and how services have had to change the way they deliver services.. and lots of reports use words such as ‘devastating’ and ‘dangerous’ to describe what’s happening.. but are all of the changes in service provision bad or have some services adapted and moved to providing treatment more effectively?
In today’s episode, I’m talking to Emily Elson – who has lived experience of an eating disorder, is the Chair of the Patient Public Involvement and Engagement Committee (PPIE) for the First Steps ED charity and is also a board Trustee.
Today, Emily and I talk about a joint survey that she co-ordinated between Beat, the UK’s national eating disorders charity, FEAST, a global organisation supporting families of those with eating disorders and First Steps ED, A UK based charity who also supports those with eating disorders and their families.
The purpose of the survey is to examine the impact of COVID on those with eating disorders. Emily shares the background of the survey, why it has been commissioned and how you can be part of it. If you'd like to be part of the survey, be quick.. the last day for completing the survey is 21st MARCH 2021- To access the survey, click the link or copy & paste..
If you'd like more information about the services mentioned, the details are listed below..
Emily Elson - @PeriodsPower
First Steps ED -
F.E.A.S.T -
If you'd like to add your voice to the discussion, contact the Eating Disorder Insights Podcast on:
Email:- [email protected]
Twitter:- @ED_Insights_Pod
Voice Message:-
Music from
"Modern Jazz Samba" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
"Samba Stings" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (