2:40- RMFU- Rocky Mountain Farmers Union information. What it is, who is involved & what has changed over the years.
12:00- FUSA- The insurance RMFU offers to their members that can include crop, home, farm, auto and more offered through over 60 different carriers.
15:40- The 3 tiers of RMFU & everything involved in it- Education, Cooperation & Legislation.
17:40- The Fall Fly-In that takes place in D.C. where farmers travel from all over the country to talk with legislatures & USDA and this years 3 talking points- Pass a strong Farm Bill, Trade Tariffs & Renewable Energy.
26:45- The Farm Bill. Why it is so much more than just farming and some misconceptions out there about the Farm Bill.
31:00- Rural Internet. How it is involved in the Farm Bill and how important internet could be for rural areas not just for farming but for children & families as well.
36:20- Farm Bill Myths- We debunk a few.
40:45- The Dust Bowl. The truth behind the dust bowl and how the conservation title was created in the Farm Bill to stop it from happening again.
44:35- Breaking Down the Farm Bill- Starting with Title 1- Commodities
46:25- Title 2- Conservation
48:40- Title 3- Trade
54:45- Title 4- Nutrition (Which is 80% of the Farm Bill), Title 5- Credit & Title 6- Rural Infrastructure & Economic Development
58:40- Title 7- Research Extensions & Related Matter
01:03:00- Title 8- Forestry
01:05:40- Title 9- Energy
01:07:35- Title 10- Horticulture
01:09:30- Title 11- Crop Insurance
01:14:15- Title 12- Miscellaneous
01:15:45- What you should do to support the Farm Bill & learn more.
01:17:40- What will happen if the Farm Bill is not passed September 30th 2018 and the possibility of a government shut down.
01:21:15- Final thoughts and Nick’s message to the world.
Farm Flavor
RMFU Members Voice Priorities For Next Farm Bill
What Is The Farm Bill?
What The Farm Bill Means For Me
FUSA Insurance