In part two of our authenticity series, we get real passionate as we explore tools to embrace vulnerability and live a more authentically aligned life. We share that we are done pursuing contentment and are instead moving into our ~big feelings era~. We talk about how choosing authenticity is an act of mini-revolution against the conforms of society and the patriarchy (such light and fun topics).
We remember that while channeling our truest selves might bug some folks, we don’t owe anyone previous versions of ourselves. Ultimately, we decide that given how we’re all just floating around in different realities, worrying about other people's perceptions of us is a waste of our precious time.
In part two of our authenticity series, we get real passionate as we explore tools to embrace vulnerability and live a more authentically aligned life. We share that we are done pursuing contentment and are instead moving into our ~big feelings era~. We talk about how choosing authenticity is an act of mini-revolution against the conforms of society and the patriarchy (such light and fun topics).
We remember that while channeling our truest selves might bug some folks, we don’t owe anyone previous versions of ourselves. Ultimately, we decide that given how we’re all just floating around in different realities, worrying about other people's perceptions of us is a waste of our precious time.
Follow us on Instagram @educatedmesses if you’d like to join the community and be a part of our conversations in future episodes!
Note: Our offer to include free ad reads for BIPOC-owned businesses still stands and will continue to stand. Other EM episodes we mention
Episode 21: Why Are We So Hard on Ourselves? (Self Compassion Pt. I)
Episode 22: How Do I Treat Myself Better (Self Compassion Pt. II)
Episode 01: Why Is It So Hard To Try New Things?
We also mention
Podcast: “Embrace Your Authentic Self” - Reset with Liz Tran
Book: “Daring Greatly” - Brene Brown
Podcast: Radical Acceptance - Gateway to Love, Wisdom, and Peace - Tara Brach
Website: Courage, Vulnerability, & Shame Researcher Brené Brown
Definition: Authenticity - Psychology Today
Article: “The Study of Authenticity” - Elizabeth Hopper, PhD
Book: “Daring Greatly” - Brene Brown
Wikipedia: Self-Objectification