Before describing how easy and enjoyable Ascension Meditation is, Ishtar takes us first to his early peculiar childhood where he naturally seemed to be able to experience other realms of our reality. Then he narrates how he, in a car accident, lost his beloved mom and experienced his most profound awakening moment during his Near-Death Experience. His whole life flashed before his eyes giving him a complete different perspective on what our earthly experience is about. He says:
"Each and every experience of my life was seen in perfect detail, along with a thorough knowledge of every time I had a made a choice from fear, limitation, or conditioning. As I experienced those moments, they were completely forgiven, replaced instead with a sense of wholeness and love. All of my fears and tensions vanished in a sudden instant, and a sublime peace washed over me"
This experience stayed with him throughout his entire life and would be the powering energy to find ways to go back to this place of silence, peace and unity with the whole. It became the reason to try many techniques and strict routines from a very young age. When he was 17, he began a regimen of meditation practices and ascetic disciplines that included waking to cold showers at 3 AM, fasting, and 6 hours of daily meditation practice. All this was unsustainable.
A bit later he would learn a meditation technique that is called Ishayas' Ascencion what was too good to be truth (and easy to practice). He decided to become a teacher what he achieved after a very intensive teacher training which was a 6-month program, that involved around 12 hours of closed eyed meditation a day. He began teaching classes around the world and living in various regional meditation centers like Hong Kong, Finland, Switzerland, and Michigan.
Ascension is a series of easy, effective, and effortless meditation techniques based on Praise, Gratitude, and Love, that allow us to relax deeply into the most expansive strata of consciousness: Presence, Being, Pure Awareness.
Ascension is simply a wonderful way of relaxing into deep physical rest, lucid mental clarity, and a healing and transformational sense of peace. It is a very easy to learn meditation that ANYONE with or without meditation experience can learn.
If you are interested to learn Ascension Meditation visit Ishtar's website: Online courses are given regularly.
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