We live in a time when holiness standards are blurred. Some cannot see it and others do not want to see it. Holiness is not some little side thing we do to make God extra happy with or as some would think, just something Pentecostals do to be different. Put your helmet on, we are going for a fast ride.
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The podcast covers a wide range of fascinating topics, including the Godhead, divine healing, deliverance, faith teaching, holiness, end time Bible prophecy, and much more!
For more information about myself or my books, Visit: www.amazon.com/author/crhodus or www.charlesarhodus.com.
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You can follow him on:
“X” (Twitter) @charlesarhodus
Facebook “Ministry of Charles A Rhodus”
Youtube “Charles A Rhodus”.
His books are as follows:
- One-Minute Prayer Warrior | The Extreme Power of Short Prayers
- Faith – 365
- Satan, Demons, & You
- The Urgent Need of the Hour |Revival Praying
- How to Help Someone Receive the Holy Ghost (A Spanish copy is available)
- Four Purposes of Tongues
- God is One | Topical Bible
- Fasting Secrets Revealed | Breakthrough Fasting
- The Argument for Holiness
- A Message From Hell | A Fictitious Plea of a Man in Hell
- Soon to be released, “The Gospel of Healing.”