As Evolution of Brand hits its 168th episode, I have made the decision to put the show on hiatus. I will be turning my attention to a new podcast known as Podcast Guesting Simplified and I invite you to subscribe, follow, and learn more about the show at
EoB Mafia, it has been my absolute honor and privilege to bring you this content week in and week out. It's because of listeners like you that I stay motivated to bring the very best of my abilities to the mic.
As you'll hear in this episode, making the decision to put Evolution of Brand on hiatus was not an easy one. But I'm excited for what the future holds as Podcast Guesting Simplified comes to life!
If you've listened, rated, reviewed, shared, or in any way found value in this podcast, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of it. It's absolutely been one helluva ride.
This isn't goodbye. It's just...see you on my new podcast, Podcast Guesting Simplified!
Jason Cercone
Learn more about Evolution of Brand at
If this episode impacted you, please recommend it to one person in your circle who you know will be impacted by what they hear, too.
Thank you for being part of the EoB Mafia!