I am always pondering different things about the way day to day things are done. Maybe you do too. Maybe it’s more like “How am I going to get all this done?” “Is that really the deadline?” Or maybe you think you have weeks to get something done and then “OMG I STILL HAVE ALL THIS TO DO YET!”
I remember what that is like. Shit, it be like that sometimes. I have learned there are some things that will make it more bearable. It takes discipline, dedication, but belief in yourself to make it happen though. Before criticizing I want you to know I know everyone’s situation is “different”. I know there are “circumstances” that make the situation “unique”. I want you to concentrate on the overall concept and then think to yourself, how can I become more productive? How can I apply these things to myself?
Maybe it’s setting out all outfits for your kids on Sunday that way all you have to do is grab and go every morning. I know that helped me tremendously, plus it kept the laundry moving from one spot to another too. Lol. Maybe it’s ACTUALLY packing your gym bag and placing it in front of the front door so you see it, have to move it, and then remember to take it. I know that helped me as well.
At the end of the day these little things that you can do specifically for you based on your situation are what is going to make or break your progressive lifestyle if that’s what you are looking for. It helps form routines, maintain them, and because its a system now the results can actually come. It’s time to become a progressive lifestyle liver through structure rather than a stagnant or unproductive lifestyle with chaos. Do it and gain #ExcelEmVee.