Learn how Hindson and Robbie started one of the biggest recreational sports communities for expats in Korea. They are building a business to become the hub of sports in Korea by offering a variety of sports including basketball, volleyball, and dodgeball events with over 3000+ members from over 30 different nations. let’s jump right in to hear how they started their business in Korea. They also operate Project Ball Academy, working directly with international schools and local businesses providing sports training classes for students while helping students to develop fundamental skills on-and-off the courts.
In this episode, we discuss the following:
* Hiring and staffing for team
* Oasis visa (D-8 visa - $100-$200K investment) enrolled in program (classes, info, IP, etc.)
* Monetizing business through memberships, sponsorships, partnerships
* Forming the YMCA of Korea
* Forming the team process for sports events
* Meetups, Using Naver (Google of Korea) for Marketing, partnering with Classting
* Doing what you love
* Tips for running business in Korea
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Expat Startups is brought to you and hosted by Jun Yoon.