Archbishop Vigneron and co-host Mary Wilkerson welcome a special guest, Superintendent Laura Knaus, to the podcast studio to discuss the renewal of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit.
0:10 – Archbishop Vigneron and Mary Wilkerson greet each other and welcome this month’s guest host, Laura Knaus, Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of Detroit.
0:37 – Laura introduces herself to listeners.
1:56 – Archbishop Vigneron, Mary, and Laura look back on the past month, reflecting on their celebrations of Christmas.
5:16 – Mary introduces this month’s topic, Catholic schools, and asks Archbishop Vigneron to briefly summarize the state of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit.
7:41 – Laura speaks about the increased enrollment in our Catholic schools since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
10:34 – Archbishop Vigneron speaks about the mission of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit.
12:33 – Laura elaborates on the integration of mind, body, and soul that is essential to a Catholic education.
14:55 – Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron to explain what he means when he says that Catholic schools are an apostolate that is the responsibility of all parishes in the Archdiocese.
18:52 – Mary asks Laura about Unleash the Gospel—how she came across the pastoral letter and how it inspired her to move to Detroit.
21:55 – Archbishop Vigneron and Laura discuss the four pillars of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit: proudly Catholic, academically excellent, accessible to all, sustainable for the future.
29:12 – Archbishop Vigneron and Laura share some of the challenges faced by our Catholic schools.
33:44 – Archbishop Vigneron and Laura share some of the successes of our Catholic schools.
36:48 – Laura discusses some of the recent changes in the Department of Catholic Schools, including the newly-created position of Assistant Superintendent for Catholic Culture.
41:20 – Mary asks Archbishop Vigneron and Laura about the upcoming celebration of Catholic Schools Week, including how it will be observed in the Archdiocese of Detroit.
46:45 – Mary asks Laura about her vision for Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit in five years and asks Archbishop Vigneron about his vision for Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit fifty years from now.
49:02 – Archbishop Vigneron answers listener questions about his favorite type of music and his Confirmation saint.
51:16 – Archbishop Vigneron closes the episode with his prayer intentions for the month and a blessing.