Highlight the importance of celebrating small wins and milestones in both personal growth and promoting inclusivity. Create a sense of accomplishment and motivation by acknowledging the progress participants make in shifting their mindset and fostering inclusivity.
Cameron Cooper Bio
Skin By Cam strives to provide natural skincare treatments that are effective and tailored specifically to your individual needs. My love for skincare is what lead me to become an esthetician, and I want to share my love for skincare with you!
I struggled with mild acne, texture, and hyperpigmentation with my skin. I was eager to try to improve my skin, and when I began to learn more about skincare products, ingredients, and the overall composition of the skin I was fascinated! I was able to craft a skincare system that significantly improved the appearance of my skin and I wanted to be able to share that same experience with other people, and especially people of color.
People of color suffer from unique skin concerns that more often than none lead to hyperpigmentation of the skin and can be very difficult to reverse. Acne, ingrown hairs, razor bumps, sun damage, and so many other factors affect our skin on a daily basis. I want to work with you to build a specific skin care treatment plan designed for you to treat your specific needs. While I do provide facial treatments, it's truly an experience from start to finish. My goal is to educate you about your skin while providing a great service to address your skin concerns and help you reach your skin goals.