Imagine there's a crisis at work. One more thing on your overwhelming to do list. Something that really throws you off balance…
So, you're essentially faced with two choices.
The first is to allow the fear response of your ancient brain to take control, pushing you into a classic fight, flight or freeze mode. Technically you could faint too but I'm guessing, you'll keep awake Here's what the results will look like.
Fight, you might push back or lash out making the situation worse.
Flight, you might conveniently have appointments outside the office in an attempt to escape or avoid the situation. Yes, avoidance, remember that one?
Freeze, you check your emails for the hundredth time waiting for an answer from someone from anyone. Because you know, you don't have any.
If this is your default stress response, it is a habit pattern of thinking that kicks in at the first sign of trouble. Remember the 800-pound Gorilla, It's pounding his chest to get what he wants.
You have a tendency toward a threat response to stress than your first job is to learn how to interrupt this default mode, so that you can alternatively choose a challenge-response, and this is your other choice.
By following 4 simple steps:
Allow yourself to notice whatever you're feeling without judgement or resistance.Take six slow breaths. Breathing will help to keep you from slipping into a threat response.Observe your body thoughts and feelings without judgement, or any physical, emotional or mental stress. So, stop thinking, just observe.Name what you're experiencing, acknowledge it and then release it. For example, anger, or irritation or overwhelm. If you're overwhelmed, just silently and kindly say, I feel overwhelmed. I choose to release it. If you're irritated, just silently, and kindly say I'm upset. I choose to release it.Using this simple exercise, you can consciously gain more control of your subconscious reactions and calm yourself. Once you do that, you can then change your response.
Just doing this exercise changes your brain, rather than being swept away by the current of emotions, you can respond to them.
If you are a high achieving professional woman who put high expectations on yourself especially before holidays; only to find yourself becoming ill during your holiday due to all the stress around you, you probably already experienced some sort of burnout.
When is the last time you took a break from ‘doing things and going through the motions of daily activities on autopilot and had a good look at yourself; your life and how things are going?
If you are listening to this podcast, it means that there is a part of you who believes that there are some areas of your life that are not working as they should or you are working too hard in some and neglecting others. The good news is, I have just the thing for you!
You can now discover how balanced your life is in 7 essential areas with my FREE Life Balance Workbook!
Just go to:
and download this workbook for absolutely FREE now!
If this is a pattern for you then you will love the Life Balance Workbook! You can print it out and write down your answers.