Matthew Luque (Loo-Kay) dated Jill Lampo. Jill told me personally that she broke up with Matthew to start dating Jon Onuma. Luque went to work at the same coffee shop as Kristen but he did not start there until about a month AFTER Kristen vanished. Luque's close friend Kelley Strathman, however, did work side by side with Kristen. In the Bay Area of a population of over 5 million, you'd be irresponsible to not at least wonder if there is some type of significant connection that is not yet fully understood. Of all the Spinelli employees, only one person acted odd when questioned about Kristen - that was Matthew Luque. To this day - we still do not know 'why'. If you know Matthew and think you may know 'why' he acted so bizarrely, we ask that you send an anonymous tip to us via the homepage.