As real estate agents, we all feel like we know our worth. However, have you actually sat down and calculated out your dollar per hour rate? When we look at how many hours we put into a transaction and divide it out by the average commission, what's your hourly rate? Additionally, when we look at that hourly rate and we look at all the activities we do to get a transaction to close, we have to wonder about how can we increase our dollar per hour. One would be to increase the commission. The other would be to decrease the time spend. This is really where the top agents are making the biggest difference in their business. Top producing agents look at all the "jobs" that make up one transaction and leverage it out to provide them more time to work with more clients. As an example: an agent can take their own photos for a listing. If the agent's hourly rate is $200 per hour, and it takes them 3 hours, that agent "spent" $600 taking photos. A professional photographer could do better photos for half the price in half the time. Therefore, it only makes sense to leverage that out. We also have to understand the opportunity cost. While taking those photos, the agent isn't spending that time generating more business. That same 3 hours could be spent on lead generation and end up creating more income for the agent instead of costing time that isn't creating more business.