First off, I hope all of you are feeling safe and calm in this current crisis. The health and economic impacts of this virus are going to be monumental.
As we deal with this crisis, many of us are transitioning to fully remote work. This on its own has challenges, but coupled with the stress caused by the pandemic, it can be even more difficult to manage the shift to remote teams.
In this video, I share with you my thoughts and philosophy about remote work, how to maintain morale and team cohesion, and most importantly, how to show our employees and teammates that we care, and rally around each other during this time of crisis.
I strongly recommend you watch this video and share it with everyone you know. I really believe the message here will be one of hope and opportunity, that will people deal with the stress, anxiety, and disruption of this shift in our way of life.
Stay safe, care for one another, and wash your hands!