Our guests for Episode 21 are Philippa Ballantine (gracious as always, returning to the show) and Tee Morris (coming back to fiction in force in a major way). Those of you who have heard other interviews with them will know what to expect - awesomeness! If you have not, then prepare to go all over the place in the best possible way.
Their book, "Phoenix Rising: Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences" is THE book I'm most excited about for 2011! I say that, because I know that it is going to be a lot of fun. Between plenty of action, and banter written by master practitioners of the craft; the awesome WILL be brought! Steam Punk, strong characters, explosions, snark .... and that's just in the first chapter ...
I have my pre-order in and after you listen to Tee & Pip, you'll know why! :)
You can find the audio promo for "Tales of the Archives" at http://www.ministryofpeculiaroccurrences.com/2011/02/27/podcast-promos/
You can find all things Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences at:
Web Site: http://www.ministryofpeculiaroccurrences.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BooksAndBraun
Whrrl: http://whrrl.com/k/zc7/blUCl
Buy the book/ebook at: http://www.amazon.com/Phoenix-Rising-Ministry-Peculiar-Occurrences/dp/0062049763/ref=as_li_wdgt_js_ex?&camp=212361&linkCode=wey&tag=theofficiw092-20&creative=380725
You can find all things Tee Morris at:
Web sites: http://teemorris.com/
Twitter: @TeeMonster
Buy his books at:
Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/Tee-Morris/e/B002BM9TVG/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_2
Barnes & Noble - http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?store=book&ATH=Tee+Morris
On Podiobooks.com:
"Billibub Baddings and the Case of the Singing Sword" - http://www.podiobooks.com/title/billibub-baddings-and-the-case-of-the-singing-sword
"Morevi: The Chronicles of Rafe and Askana (Remastered)" - http://www.podiobooks.com/title/morevi-remastered
Reviews of his podcast novels at "View From Valhalla":
"Billibub Baddings and the Case of the Singing Sword" - http://www.viewfromvalhalla.com/2009/11/15/podcast-review-billibub-baddings-and-the-case-of-the-singing-sword/
"Morevi: The Chronicles of Rafe and Askana (Remastered)" - http://www.viewfromvalhalla.com/2010/04/12/podcast-review-24-morevi-the-chronicles-of-rafe-and-askana-remastered/
You can find all things Philippa Ballantine at:
Web site: http://www.pjballantine.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=62015834848&ref=ts
Twitter: @PhillipaJane
Geek Out! Episode 8 - http://gowmainframe.blogspot.com/2010/09/gowm-8-interview-with-philippa.html
On Podiobooks.com :
"Chasing the Bard" - http://www.podiobooks.com/title/chasing-the-bard
"Weather Child" - http://www.podiobooks.com/title/weather-child
"Weaver's Web" - http://www.podiobooks.com/title/weavers-web
Buy her books at:
"Geist" - http://www.booksoftheorder.com/
"Digital Magic" - http://www.digitalmagicnovel.com/
"Chasing the Bard" -http://www.chasingthebard.com/
"Weaver's Web" - http://www.amazon.com/Weavers-Web-PJ-Ballantine/dp/1876962763/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_5
As a contributor, "A Taste of True Blood: The Fangbanger's Guide" - http://www.amazon.com/Taste-True-Blood-Fangbangers-Guide/dp/1935251961/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpi_1
Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B003BSRLDC
Barnes & Noble - http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?ATH=Philippa+Ballantine
Smashwords - http://www.smashwords.com/books/search?query=Philippa+Ballantine
Reviews of her podcast novels at "View From Valhalla":
"Weather Child" - http://www.viewfromvalhalla.com/2009/11/30/podcast-review-5-weather-child/
"Chasing the Bard"- http://www.viewfromvalhalla.com/2010/01/11/podcast-review-11-chasing-the-bard/
"Digital Magic" - http://www.viewfromvalhalla.com/2011/03/28/podcast-review-74-digital-magic/
Jared Axelrod & his "Fables of the Flying City" - http://jaredaxelrod.com/ http://www.fablesoftheflyingcity.com/
Geek Out! Episode 4 - http://gowmainframe.blogspot.com/2010/07/gowm-episode-4-interview-with-jared.html
"All a Twitter" - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0789742284?ie=UTF8&tag=theofficiw092-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0789742284
Philippa's "Erotica a la Carte" - http://www.eroticaalacarte.com/
From Tee's blog:
"Tough Choices" - Part 1 Part2 Part 3
"You Can't Give Up. You're Not Allowed" - http://teemorris.com/2011/03/14/you-cant-give-up/
Phi Rossi & "Harvey" - http://philrossi.net/ http://www.harveythenovel.com/
Odin1Eye & View From Valhalla - http://www.viewfromvalhalla.com/
Arlene Radasky & "The Fox" - http://www.radasky.com/
Geek Out! Episodes 16 & 17 - http://gowmainframe.blogspot.com/search/label/Arlene%20Radasky
Thomas Reed aka @trreed - http://thomasjreed.blogspot.com/
"The Fox" by Arlene Radasky - http://www.radasky.com/
Flying Island Press - http://flyingislandpress.com/
I can be found and contacted at:
Web Site: http://gowmainframe.com/
Twitter: @mainframe (or @gowmainframe for tweets just about the podcast)
Email: gowmainframe at gmail dot com
Voice Mail: 206-350-0528