This week Carey fills in for Rania, and we talk about Merlin, FM, the new Beavis & Butthead, Brad Meltzer's Decoded, Searching for Bigfoot, Project Accessory, Work of Art, Once Upon A Time, Fringe, Grimm, and a little bit of Supernatural. Comics talk! Betrayal of the Planet of the Apes, Atomic Robo, Comic Book Comics, The Vault, Magneto Not A Hero, what Iron Man and Captain America would fight over DVR'ing, Spaceman, Teen Titans, Red Lantern, Green Lanterns New Guardians, Stormwatch, Demon Knights, and Rachel Rising. We also talk about Under the Skin by Michael Faber, why we prefer Fassbender/McKellan to Stewart/McAvoy, and open up our email-bag and read some things from Alex Chung including his newest Nightmare Convention story from Comikaze. Our new Google+ page is here! Gplus.To/Geektress! Music used: Stephen Malkmus And The Jicks - Stick Figures in Love