This week on Get Canceled, the gang revisits the first two confessional emails shared by our amazing listeners. They have since responded to having their confession episodes aired, so today we revisit these one more time with updates. And in true Get Canceled fashion, Sheryl and the gang move farther and farther from a sober state into full activation diving head first into all the alcohol and other such things. But we must begin by referencing the episode that started it all, Taxicab Confessions, first aired on June 5th. This debaucherous tale emboldened other listeners to follow suit, sharing their most personal secrets. Next, This Is My Confession, aired August 28th followed by Hentai Surprise, aired October 16th.
Continue to send your confessions - the good, the bad, definitely the dirty and of course the r*tarded- to [email protected]
DISCLAIMER: This show is for entertainment purposes only. The views expressed by the guests do not necessarily reflect the views of Get Canceled. All guests remain anonymous.
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