Perhaps like me, as your emotional discomfort has increased over the last few years, your coping mechanisms may not have. If you look back - I have no doubt that one day over the past couple years, you instinctively reached into your resilience bucket hoping to pull out your next best coping-mechanism, only to find that you'd reach the bottom of the bucket. Friend, it was likely then, that your scales tipped! What does one do when your emotional instability or your emotional distress is matched with a resilience bucket that has no coping mechanism left inside of it, to fulfill or meet your needs? You do what every person in the history of the world has learnt to do, you buy into the premise that if you simply don’t feel anything at all any longer well then surely you’ve tackled this dilemma. It’s your safest option, your quickest fix, your strongest Band-Aid. You embrace ‘numbing’.