Cash Keahey is a global leader-architect and has worked with several Fortune 500 business executives and discusses leadership style for business on the go build your business podcast.
A 23-year professional career inside global Fortune 500s in diverse functions and industries exposed Cash to different corporate cultures with different styles of leadership. Through these experiences, Keahey realized the symbiotic relationship between leadership and culture: that leaders create a culture around them, but in order to succeed, must lead in a culture that values their uniqueness. From Jung’s theory of psychological types, Cash developed eight LeaderType™ profiles and published Eight LeaderTypes in the White House. Cash’s predominant LeaderTypes are Proactive, Persuasive and Inclusive.
Eight Leader Types
Prudent: a stabilizing, conscientious guardian who leads with information and practicality
Proactive: an action-oriented realist who leads with a sense of urgency and pragmatism
Innovating: a pioneering, transformative catalyst who leads into the ‘new’ with inspiration
Visionary: an enigmatic, inventive prophet who leads with prescience and purpose
Inclusive: a caring, self-deprecating servant who leads with values and empathy
Persuasive: a tactful, collaborative influencer who leads with dialogue and encouragement
Take Charge: a delegating, results-oriented driver who leads with principles and conviction
Independent: a resolute, self-reliant thinker who leads with clarity and critique
Leadership Style For Business
Cash discusses the leadership style for business that is most suited is the innovating type style. This type of style is probably most suited for being an entrepreneur simply for the pioneering and seeking a transformative type of change. Someone that is looking to disrupt a market and bring a new idea along.
Walt Disney Leadership Style
Walt Disney was a genus innovating visionary type. Cash and Ken discuss how the board meeting might have gone when Walt presented a mouse as a main character.
President Donald Trump
A Very successful entrepreneur who is certainly an extrovert. Cash made similarities of Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson fired all of his cabinet, sound familiar?