If you are a grief warrior, then you know you’ve done some crazy things! And in this episode we are talking all about some of the crazy things that we’ve done and we have heard others do as they deal with their grief. Do you stay under the covers for days when it is the anniversary of your loss? Have you kept things just the way they were and don’t want to change anything because that’s how it was before this traumatic loss occurred?
Guess what, if that is what you need to do, we want you to keep doing your crazy! That might be just what you need to do to find your good in your grief- whether it is to keep your connection to what you have lost or to get your feelings out, you do what you need to do.
We are kind of making light of the word “crazy” but it is basically like giving yourself that permission slip, that grace, to do what it is you need to do.
Quote from this episode:
“Tough times never last but tough people do.”
And you are a tough person! If you are listening to these episodes, you are tough because you are trying to find your good in your grief.
In this episode, you will hear:
- What crazy can look like for grief warriors
- The importance of letting our crazy out
- Why you need to keep doing your crazy
What kind of things do you do that some might think is crazy? Guess what? As fellow grief warriors, we don’t think it is. Let us know on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/goodgriefpeople/ by commenting on this episode post or send us a DM.
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