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By goodheavens
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The podcast currently has 181 episodes available.
As you certainly know by now, for the month of August, Wayne and I have taken a little break from the heavens for a very special focus on the Earth, specifically some spectacular geological evidence for the biblical flood.
Here on part three of our three-part series we are yet again grateful and honored to have as our very special guest one of the top creation geologists in the world Dr. Andrew Snelling of Answers in Genesis.
Whether you are a young or old-earth creationist, a skeptic, agnostic, atheist or whether you know next to nothing about geology, we think you'll find our three-part series fascinating and enlightening.
Our series with Dr. Snelling has been focused mainly on the many examples Dr. Snelling believes provide solid geological evidence for the flood as described in the Book of Genesis (chapters 6-9).
Here on part three we talk about the unusual folds of sedimentary layers in the Grand Canyon and about one of the greatest head-scratchers in all of geology, the great unconformity. Andrew will explain to us to what exactly this strikingly peculiar feature of the earth's rocks is not conforming!
We thank Dr. Snelling for his graciously giving us his time for this exciting and informative interview and we hope you our Good Heavens! family have enjoyed it.
Links and Resources:
Dr. Andrew Snelling holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia. Dr. Snelling is active in research, writing and also speaking on topics such as the flood, fossils, the Grand Canyon, and the radioactive dating of rocks. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and papers as well as the author of The Genesis Flood Revisited (2009, 2022 Master Books).
The Genesis Flood Revisited:
Answers Research Journal:
Andrew's Bio:
Previous Good Heavens! Episodes on Flood Stories from Native North American Tribes
Articles by Dr. Snelling:
Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
For the month of August, Wayne and I are taking a little break from the heavens for a very special focus on the Earth, specifically some spectacular geological evidence for the biblical flood.
Here on part two of our three-part series we are once again grateful and honored to have as our very special guest one of the top creation geologists in the world Dr. Andrew Snelling of Answers in Genesis.
Whether you are a young or old-earth creationist, a skeptic, agnostic, atheist or whether you know next to nothing about geology, we think you'll find our three-part series fascinating and enlightening.
Our series with Dr. Snelling will be focused mainly on the many examples Dr. Snelling believes provide solid geological evidence for the flood as described in the Book of Genesis (chapters 6-9).
Here on part two we talk about plutons, batholiths, and polonium radio halos and how Dr. Snelling believes they provide solid evidence for the biblical flood.
Was there a Global Flood? Blog article by Wayne
For the month of August, Wayne and I are taking a little break from the heavens for a very special focus on the Earth, specifically some spectacular geological evidence for the biblical flood. And in this three-part series we are honored to have as our very special guest one of the top creation geologists in the world Dr. Andrew Snelling of Answers in Genesis. Whether you are a young or old-earth creationist, a skeptic, agnostic, atheist or whether you know next to nothing about geology, we think you'll find our three-part series fascinating and enlightening.
Our talk with Dr. Snelling will be focused mainly on the many examples Dr. Snelling believes provide solid geological evidence for the flood as described in the Book of Genesis (chapters 6-9).
Here on part one, we talk about how Dr. Snelling became interested in geology, oceanic fossil finds in Kansas and the remarkably enormous Tapeats sandstone sedimentary layer that covers a large swath of North America and other parts of the globe.
Links and Resources:
Dr. Andrew Snelling holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia. Dr. Snelling is active in research, writing and also speaking on topics such as the flood, fossils, the Grand Canyon, and the radioactive dating of rocks. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and papers as well as the author of The Genesis Flood Revisited (2009, 2022 Master Books).
The Genesis Flood Revisited:
Answers Research Journal:
Andrew's Bio:
Previous Good Heavens! Episodes on Flood Stories from Native North American Tribes
Articles by Dr. Snelling:
Was there a Global Flood? Blog article by Wayne
Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
We continue our discussion about the Hubble Constant and delve into a few other cosmic anomalies, including the assumption Albert Einstein made regarding the speed of light.
And, somehow, we also ended up talking about Noah's flood and the Whopper Sand. You'll have to listen to the end to find out how that happened!
Come and see how we think it all points to the glory and majesty of God.
Dan's very short video on the whooper sand.
The following links are not meant to imply the ideas contained therein reflect those of Good Heavens! or Watchman Fellowship, Inc. All of these, with the exception of Danny Faulkner, are presented from a completely secular perspective of the universe
More in-depth on the Hubble Constant -
Interview with Christian astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner on the Hubble Constant.
Scientific American article on the HC from October 2023.
Wendy Freedman’s initial project of measuring HC using the HST to measure Cepheids.
Historical background on the HC from STScI. (2020)
Good Heavens! Is a production of Watchman Fellowship, Inc. For more information on our ministry and our sister podcast Apologetics Profile, visit today!
Contact Wayne and Dan at [email protected]
Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
Probably the only thing that is constant about the Hubble Constant is that it keeps changing! What is it? Why is it such a hot topic in cosmology today and why are some even calling it a "crisis"?
Come along with Wayne and Dan as they dive into the quest for the elusive magic number. What does it mean for cosmology and what might it all have to do with the way God made the universe?
The following links are not meant to imply the ideas contained therein reflect those of Good Heavens! or Watchman Fellowship, Inc. All of these, with the exception of Danny Faulkner, are presented from a completely secular perspective of the universe
More in-depth on the Hubble Constant -
Interview with Christian astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner on the Hubble Constant.
Cosmological constant (not the same as the Hubble constant, but related).
Hubble constant - two different ways to measure.
Three ways to measure Hubble constant.
Brian Keating short video about using magnetism to measure the Hubble constant
Dr. Becky most recent video on the crisis.
Adam Riese from the Space Telescope Science Institute who won the Nobel Prize in the late 90s for discovering the universe expansion was (allegedly) accelerating. His SH0ES team measured the Hubble constant at 74 km/s/mpsc, far above Wendy Freedman’s 69.8 and the CMBR at 67.
Technical power point slides from Dr. Jo Dunkley on the PLANK CMBR data on the Hubble constant.
Scientific American article on the HC from October 2023.
Wendy Freedman’s initial project of measuring HC using the HST to measure Cepheids.
Historical background on the HC from STScI. (2020)
Good Heavens! Is a production of Watchman Fellowship, Inc. For more information on our ministry and our sister podcast Apologetics Profile, visit today!
Contact Wayne and Dan! [email protected]
Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
What explanations have astronomers come up with to explain the recent mysterious discovery of JuMBOs in the Orion Nebula? Why so many? How did they form? Why so many in pairs? Why did the form in the Orion Nebula? Here on part two we discuss some possible "naturalistic" hypotheses but conclude that no matter what technical explanation astronomers might offer, we believe these wonderful little orbs are just a small part of how the heavens declare the glory of God and show forth His marvelous handiwork.
Come and see!
Wayne's article on the subject.
Dan's article on the subject.
Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
The "Standard Model" of particle physics is science's attempt to explain the basic, fundamental building blocks of the universe. In many ways, the Standard Model has accurately predicted many groundbreaking discoveries at the subatomic levels.
But for everything the Standard Model has predicted and described, there are a great many things for which it cannot account. Never in a million years could anyone look at the intricacies of the atom and think that from this tiny Lego-block-like structure things like giant sequoia redwoods, or blue whales, or even enormous variegated swirling arms of stars in galaxies would come about!
And the mysteries just continue to deepen! Last October, astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope discovered a plethora of mysterious objects in the Orion Nebula, things for which there were really no classification schemes. Not stars, not planets, not asteroids, moons, comets, or brown dwarfs.
What exactly was discovered, then?
Haha! Think we would tell you before you listened to the episode? Come and see! (But if you must cheat and find out before you listen, well, ok. You can click below to articles written by Wayne and Dan).
Wayne's article on the subject.
Dan's article on the subject.
Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
Come and hear more on Saturn's rings and what scientists say about how they formed! Despite all science tells us about the sixth planet from the sun, the wondrously ringed world of Saturn, there is still much that remains unknown. And maybe we will never know all there is to know about it. And maybe that unknown is part of what the glory of God is all about, after all He is omniscient and we are not! But God has graciously enabled us to look at what He has made in the heavens in a very up-close and personal way. Saturn and its majestic rings certainly affirm what the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians, "Star differs from star in glory" (in Scripture any light in the sky was considered a "star").
So come and enjoy more of Saturn's wonders and mysteries and how they point us to the glory of God in Christ.
Clip from ABC News clip from August 1981 interview with Dr. Carl Sagan
September 2017 Cassini Press Conference Full Video:
Link to "The Journal of Creation" December 2023 issue, featuring Wayne's article on Saturn's rings. The article is presently through subscription to the Journal only.
Dan's article on the hexagon high atop Saturn.
Watchman Fellowship's four-page Profile articles on Naturalism, Scientism, and Carl Sagan's Cosmos TV series.
Image from NASA/JPL, Cassini Mission
Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
Wayne made up "eclipsnic" to describe our combination picnic and eclipse we watched with not a little awe and wonder in Waxahachie, Texas on April 8, 2024. On this special episode we try to put into words what words cannot finally adequately describe.
The event was truly wondrous - a carefully choreographed dance of the Sun, Moon, and Earth has to be experienced in person. If you did not get a chance to see this marvel, we try to give you a theater of the mind experience on this broadcast and make you feel like you were right there with us.
From cloudy, inauspicious skies, to a frosted chocolate donut, getting air in Dan's tires, to the sun playing hide-and-seek with us for most of the morning, we bring you along with us on this once-in-a-lifetime event in the heavens. And of course, we contemplate how it all points to the glory of God in Christ. So come and see!
For a complete list of future total eclipses visit and start planning your trip!
Audio from FOX 4 in Dallas -
Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
News clip from CBS
Link to "The Journal of Creation" December 2023 issue, featuring Wayne's article on Saturn's rings. The article is presently through subscription to the Journal only.
Dan's article on the hexagon high atop Saturn.
Watchman Fellowship's four-page Profile articles on Naturalism, Scientism, and Carl Sagan's Cosmos TV series.
For over 400 years now, ever since Galileo lifted up his little spyglass toward the enigmatic ringed planet Saturn, we have been fascinated, and not a little stumped, by the sixth planet from the sun's mysteries. Even with the latest advanced technologies, astronomers are still somewhat in the dark about how Saturn's rings came to be. See how evidence from the NASA Cassini mission shows Saturn's rings cannot be billions of years old!
On the next two episodes of Good Heavens! Wayne and Dan discuss many of the marvelous wonders of our billion-mile distant planetary neighbor. Come and see!
Images of from NASA, STScI, and JWST.
Podbean enables our podcast to be on Apple Podcasts and other major podcast platforms. To support Good Heavens! on Podbean as a patron, you can use the Podbean app, or go to This goes to Wayne Spencer. If you would like to give to the ministry of Watchman Fellowship or to Daniel Ray, you can donate at Donations to Watchman are tax deductible.
The podcast currently has 181 episodes available.
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