Positive, daily news for democracy - stories that highlight progressive victories and liberal advancements in our society! From the determined scientists pushing to publish a vital nature report despite political roadblocks, to Amazon's accountability for its treatment of delivery drivers, and the groundbreaking achievement of gender parity in Hollywood films, this episode is packed with good news for leftists everywhere. We also discuss a historic settlement in a civil rights case, the impressive logistics behind a major public event, and the launch of the largest solar cell factory in the U.S. Join us for a dose of optimism and inspiration as we celebrate these wins for democracy, equality, and the environment.
Listen to our friends Jennifer and Dan of the Banned Camp podcast at BannedCampPodcast.com
Listen to This Week Again with Susanne Posel.
If you have thoughts, ideas, or more good news to share, we’d love to hear from you! Call or message us at 202-656-6271, or drop us a line at [email protected]
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If you like Justice Matters with Glenn Kirschner, What A Day, and Best of the Left, you'll LOVE Good News For Lefties!
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