In this episode, Elissa J. challenges graduate students to push beyond the comfort of "finding your people," to actively constructing your village for your professional, academic, and personal success. She outlines essential people and the roles they play in the construction of that village.
Highlights include:
1.Your “A” team [which is also known as “your critical friends].
2.Your loves are your family, or your friends that may be our surrogate family.
3.Your organizational culture keepers and surveyors.
4. Your peer-based brain trust, aka, your cohort and academic comrades.
6. Program advisors
7. Near peers; individuals who are a couple of years ahead of you along your journey.
8. CEOs: individuals who cultivate the leader in you
9.Coaches: your problem-solvers and implementation guides
10. Academic knowledge and skill builders, aka professors.
11.Career advancement knowledge and skills, skill builders.
12.Personal board of directors: your diverse group whose goal is to help you move forward an important initiative.
13.YODA: The person who helps you to center personal growth and self-care
14.Mentors & Sponsors