Welcome Graham fam! We are so glad you could watch Sunday morning online with us.
Restoration – 1 – Restoration Business
As we go into November and we begin our new series, this month we are talking about Restoration. Now, when I was younger, there were people who restored things, but it was more of a labor of love. Many times, you had more money in the thing that you restored than it was actually worth because Restoring stuff is actually harder than just building something new. But tv and internet has made restoring things much more popular in today’s time.
I want to communicate to you this morning that God is in the Restoration Business. Think about this! In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, he created everything that you and I see today. In the world that we can see, touch, feel, taste, smell, nothing is new. Your soul may have never existed before in this world, but your physical body is even a conglomeration of carbon, cells, genetics, water that has been here from the very beginning.
God created everything exactly like he wanted it and we as people really messed it up when we sinned. And she all share in that because every time we sin, we continue to twist and distort what God created.
But the beautiful thing about God is that he isn’t in the demolition and new construction business. He is in the restoration business. He loves to do what no other being does. And the best part is that he has already footed the bill, for that restoration to take place!
– Romans 8:18-25
1. All creation needs to be restored!
2. Even Christians still have a little hole?
3. God still has more for you!
God has some great things in store for you. The question is whether or not you will allow him to work on you. We don’t like to admit that we need some fixing up, but we all do. When we humble ourselves and cray out to God, that’s when he can begin the work that needs to be done.
– Acts 3:19-21
If you would like to watch our past services, you can do so here: https://www.gcwesleyan.org/teaching/
Like and subscribe to our new YouTube channel, Graham Chapel Youth! We are producing some funny videos as well as live streaming our Wednesday night youth group: https://is.gd/grahamyouth.
If you would like to give to Graham Chapel, you can do so here: https://www.gcwesleyan.org/give/
Graham Chapel Wesleyan Church is in Mayo, SC which is near Cowpens and Chesnee in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. We are affiliated with the Wesleyan denomination and have a diverse congregation. We would love to have you join us on Sunday mornings in person, or on Wednesdays with our youth! Visit our website to learn more.
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