Ancient Greece: Myth, Art, War

Greece at War: The Persian Wars (handout)

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Peisistratos, tyrant of Athens, seems to have ruled benevolently and Athens prospered under his regime. In the course of the 6th century BC, important public buildings were erected in both the Agora (town square) of Athens and on the Acropolis. But change was afoot: in this lecture Dr Gillian Shepherd traces the events of the late sixth century and earlier 5th century BC, an action-packed period for Athens. The Peisistratid tyranny fell and was replaced by a new form of government – democracy. Despite the new regime, life was not peaceful: the Athenians united with other Greeks in bloody clashes with the invading Persians, fighting some of the greatest battles in history - Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis and Plataea.
Copyright 2013 Gillian Shepherd / La Trobe University, all rights reserved. Contact for permissions.
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Ancient Greece: Myth, Art, WarBy Professor Chris Mackie and Dr Gillian Shepherd

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