Maybe you've seen it in church buildings where it is declared one is saved by grace through faith, not by works ... and then comes the "but." It's what we call the dreaded and confusing 'Grace-But Ministries.' One of the "buts" is that the faith that saves requires good works as proof or evidence that faith is alive and not dead. They will tout that without this outward evidence of works that are designed to be seen by others, then faith is dead (and maybe they were never really saved in the first place ... in spite of their belief and profession of faith in Jesus Christ).
Even the most passionate grace folks can also slip down a legalistic slope without realizing it. As is usually the case, it can be traced back to misunderstanding a few scattered Bible verses without the revelation of a New Covenant context. Watch out when it's grace one minute and "but" the next.
Let's talk about it…
Are works a requirement for faith to come to life or to remain alive? If so, you'll have something to boast about while God owes you a debt for something you've done.
In legalistic camps—and sometimes grace circles—specifics are almost always omitted, leaving you to guess which works are needed and how much.
Works and fruit are often mistaken for the same thing.
Jesus cautioned against performance for the purpose of being seen by others.
Faith is the evidence of what is *not* seen (that which is eternal). It's more than a mouthful, which is why two mouths are better than one!
--Available on Amazon - "Clash of The Covenants: Escaping Religious Bondage Through the Grace Guarantee"