코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

한국 게임사들, 글로벌 시장에 주목

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진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn

Korean game companies zero in on global market

기사요약: 한국 게임사들이 글로벌 시장 확장을 위해 신작 출시를 준비하며 넥슨과 크래프톤은 각각 던전앤파이터와 배틀그라운드의 성공을 이어가며 다양한 장르에서 새로운 도전을 계획하고 있다.

[1] Korean game companies are gearing up for a breakout year with a slate of highly anticipated new titles readying for release to woo gaming fans across the globe, as the companies look to expand markets beyond Korean borders.

to gear up for: 준비하다

breakout year: 도약의 해

[2] Nexon and Krafton are poised to carry on positive momentum in fresh genres this year after clocking in another year of success thanks to hit titles such as side-scrolling action role playing game Dungeon & Fighter and battle royale shooter PUBG: Battlegrounds, respectively.

poised to: 준비가 갖춰져있다

to clock in: 출근하다

[3] Coming off of its 30th anniversary last year and likely having logged its best annual sales of over 4 trillion won ($2.7 billion), Nexon will launch The First Berserker: Khazan, a hardcore action RPG based on Dungeon & Fighter, on March 28 globally.

log: 기록하다

[4] The action-packed RPG will be released for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and personal computers, as the game developer aims to win the hearts of console gamers who make up a large kets. A demo version was released last weeks to build anticipation and keep fans engaged.

chunk: 조각

engage: 참여하다

기사원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/article/10402202

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