I was raised in the fundamentalist Evangelical Christian movement, where there were very strict predetermined ideas of what was acceptable, holy, and sacred, and what was considered rebellious, evil, and profane.
When I started exploring outside of those strict beliefs, I discovered to my surprise, that the sacred is often found with the profane. I often saw the most beautiful examples of God and God’s love wrapped up with what was considered sinful by the church.
As a response to my exploring, I was rejected by my church of origin and suffered emotional abuse and spiritual trauma, resulting in a complex PTSD diagnosis. Through this painful journey I developed a faith in my own goodness and the goodness of a divinity that can be found by anyone of any religion, culture, or background; a divinity of Oneness and Love. I believe we each have something unique and valuable to bring to the table and that all voices need to be heard.
It's my passion today to speak out on issues of religious oppression and abuse through my writing and in conversations. I am particularly passionate about connecting with anyone who has a story of spiritual trauma and/or PTSD, and mutually empowering each other by speaking our truths and healing together.
Instagram: @sacredunraveling
Blog: sacredunraveling.com
Sarah Van Etten Leupold~
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💦For salacious heaux stories from Ms. Heauxly Coitus, find her column here: @heauxlycoitus | Linktree
~To be a heaux is to engage in consensual sex, be kind your yourself and partner(s), creative, fully embodied, unapologetic, powerful, and free.~
@heauxlycoitus | Linktree