In this insightful conversation, Os Hillman of Marketplace Leaders interviews Andy Mason, the founder of Heaven in Business, to explore the vital topic of hearing God in the workplace. Andy shares compelling stories, practical keys, and biblical principles to help listeners discern God's voice, navigate challenges, and experience breakthroughs in both their professional and personal lives.
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The importance of intimacy with God over instruction.How God speaks in diverse ways, from scripture to spontaneous thoughts.Practical steps to discern whether a thought is from God, yourself, or another source.Stories of marketplace miracles and divine guidance.The role of scripture, wise counsel, and obedience in hearing God's voice.To get your copy of the book go to and remember to post a review!
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Podcast Timeline
Introduction: Os Hillman introduces Andy Mason, sharing his background and the work of Heaven in Business.Andy talks about moving to Franklin, Tennessee, and his latest book Listen Up: Hearing God at Work.Why Hearing God Matters:Discussion of John 10 and the biblical foundation for hearing God's voice.Story of Kevin, a former atheist, who followed an internal voice leading to business success and personal transformation.Three Keys to Knowing God is Speaking:Does it release life?Does it carry peace?Is it impossible to ignore?Practical examples from Andy’s own experiences and scripture.Common Barriers to Hearing God:Andy discusses how busyness and self-doubt hinder us.Os shares a story about receiving a surprising divine prompt during a seemingly mundane situation.The Role of Scripture:Andy and Os emphasize the importance of immersing yourself in the Word of God.Insights from RT Kendall’s 40 Days with the Holy Spirit.Personal Testimonies of Breakthrough:Andy shares stories of obeying God’s voice in major life decisions, such as moving his family and buying a house.Os recounts his miracle of selling unsold books through prayer and obedience.Discerning Between God, Self, and the Enemy:Andy offers practical guidelines for discernment, such as seeking wise counsel and taking time to evaluate decisions.Characteristics of wise counselors are discussed.Practical Activation:Encouragement to practice hearing God through small, everyday decisions.Stories that illustrate the power of listening and obeying God's voice.Book Giveaway and Closing:Details on how listeners can receive free copies of Listen Up: Hearing God at Work.Andy closes with a powerful prayer for listeners to grow in their ability to hear and obey God's voice.