F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real
Fear can effect your Marriage more then you may know. In the first part of our Marriage I allowed fear to get in the way of our relationship. I never wanted to tell my wife how I felt about things because I was afriad she would get mad, or afraid that she would think I was soft. Because I held it in, I slowly began to resent her. That was the beginning of destruction! Our Marriage slowly started to deteriorate and we almost decided to divorce at one point.
It wasn’t until I faced my fears and she faced hers that we were able to start this new incredible relationship that we have now. An unbreakable bond!
So below we put together 4 reasons you have to face your fears!
Fear puts limitations on you- Had we let FEAR control us we would have neverPaid for Smart Success which is a online course and a live event that changed our life, had we not done that, we wouldn’t have meant some of our closest friends.We would have never started a Podcast or Periscoping because we were afraid of being judged.We would have never written our Ebook which is now available on our website and people are buying it and emailing us letting us know that they love it!
Anyone has the power to over come fear- It is in you to do it. I remember when i got into the car biz, I was so afraid to walk up to a total stranger who automatic didn’t like me cuz i was a salesman. But I needed to make money so I forced myself to do it. I Faced the Fear head on and slapped fear in the mouth. The nerves of talking to strangers is still there to this day, but I don’t care, I over came that False evidence appearing real.By Facing your fears, you will inspire others- People are always watching. Your friends, family and of course your kids. When you are able to speak publicly, or sky dive or Periscope. Those around you will be inspired. That will help them think "IF YOU CAN DO IT SO CAN I”
The thoughts in your head are not real.- I remember being so afraid of roller coasters when i was a kid! In my head I thought, what if it jumps off its tracks, what if there is an earth quake, what if I fall out! Most of the time, the out come of the things you fear the most never happen! So you have to take a chance."Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it."
So don’t sit home and think about all the things you want to do! Just go out and do it! All of the exciting things happen outside of your comfort zone!
To learn More about Chalene Johnson's "Smart Success" click here!
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Much Love, see you soon :)
Lyndan & Vanessa Your go-to couple to remix your Marriage!