Welcome to our first Name Drop episode, where we drop the names of things, artists, people, books, places..whateverrr, that are exciting us, and have some unexpected conversations all the way.
Territory we get into:
-- the reality of artist's income
-- artists making small, accessible art for the "average collector"
-- specific opportunities to get your work seen by curators and art supports
--artists that we LOVE to see getting attention who are getting it right now
NAMES DROPPED (in order of appearance)
The Death of the Artist: How Creators are Struggling to Survive in the Age of Billionaires and Big Tech by William Deresiewicz
Brynn from @gumiponi
Danielle Peterson @smallwildshop
Dayna Corbitt @whimsycalling
Teresa @mackwickart
Kate Harnett @harnettstudioKitty
@bigbabyearrings - chicken earrings
Surreal Salon @brgallery https://www.batonrougegallery.org/surreal-salon
Susannah Kelly Art Award @the.susannahkelly.art.award
Archenemy Arts Open Call https://www.archenemyarts.com/opencall2025
Yvette Mayorga @yvettemayorga - piped pink paintings and objects
Vanessa L German @vansessalgerman - rose quartz pink sculptures
Pipilotti Rist @ MOCA
Maurice Harris @bloomandplume
Abby Aceves @abby_aceves
Sari Shryack @not_sorry_art
Rachel Silva @missrachelsilva
Amanda Sandlin @amandasandlin
Allison Bamcat @allisonbamcat
Daniel Toledo @mister_toledo
Sabrina Mari @sabrynamari
@heywhatareyouworking on IG
@andreaguzzetta on IG
@speaking_in_rainbows on IG
@devonwalzart on IG
Check out Devon's Artwork Development Workshop, Unique, here
Leave us your feedback, comment or question and we might play it or answer it in an upcoming episode!
GOOGLE VOICE # (747) 272-0665kj