Today I share a story about the time the writer went on a Ghost Tour, in Alberquerque New Mexico, and stopped at a local haunted attraction. They scared a Canadian tourist so badly, he ran away like his life depended on it and her tiny best friend tried picking her up to carry her away. The time a boy mom took her son to Taco Bell and I smelled the worst smell ever. He proved to her that it was just farts and the customers in the restaurant roared with laughter and could relate to the 3 year old. The writer lived in Arizona and built snowmen in random peoples front yards as a prank- and got caught by a cop! The storyteller has Ukraninan co-worker is nuts and thinks he fits into their little circle of friends when he recounts stories of his friends viciously beating him and vandalizing his car. WTF? Which lead to uncomfortably laughing and deciding to never go into a room with him alone again. EVER. A wholesome Beetlejuice singing Jamaican man getting ready to go on vacation, they sang, they laughed, and dude I love you. Ok Deborah, quit being a wet piece of lettuce when someone tries to talk to you. Why do you have to compare spilling coffee to genocide. Chill out and be polite. A tedious counselor tells animated stories and at the climax, a bird flew over and shat on his forehead. Hilarious. Icy walkway leads to our whole dormitory anxiously watching people the entire afternoon and ends with an impromptu falling party. I was an officer and I wrote a parking ticket, I slipped on the ice and landed- doggystyle- totally acting like nothing happened. My little sister wants to play tag and immediately runs into something and got hurt. I couldn’t help but laugh. My hearing impared friends were fighting in the car. At night. While driving and signing to someone in the backseat.
Content warning: The audio is shit, but give me a chance…. Audio quality is way better starting at Episode 6, so if you can’t stand the bumpy audio- skip to it. I discuss Ghost Hunting, farts, fights, and pranks.
My sincere apologies if anyone was offended that the individual who wrote the story used the term “Deaf” instead of hearing impaired. I will start editing stories for PC. I am still learning how to bring you the best content, thanks for understanding and growing with me through the process.
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Today I shared:
The haunted window
Reddit user: chalupacabrariley
Taco Bell smell
The snowman
Reddit user:krkr8m
That was unexpected
Reddit user:thatkarmawhore
Reddit user: Mandinder
Genocide, Its the worst
Reddit user: Abortretryimplode
Perfect timing
Reddit user: gluteusvolcanicus
Ice party
Reddit User: incster10
Me, falling
Reddit user:notoriousfishtank
Fight in the car
Reddit user: atheem
Come back next week for another HILARIOUS episode.