This week on Hort Culture, we're tackling the challenges of summer's scorching temperatures and offering tips to keep your lawn and garden thriving. But remember, while caring for your plants is important, taking care of yourself is paramount. We'll provide safety tips to help you stay cool and hydrated while working in the garden.
And in bittersweet news, we're saying goodbye to our longtime friend and co-host, Josh Knight. As Josh embarks on a new adventure in cooler climes, we celebrate his contributions to the show and wish him all the best in his new role. We're excited to see where his journey takes him and look forward to having him back on the show as a guest in the future.
So, tune in for expert advice, gardening tips, and a heartfelt farewell to a beloved member of the Hort Culture family.
How to Care for Your Garden in High Temperatures
Stay cool, stay green and beat the heat with these tips for healthy summer plants
Heat wave in the garden: How to identify and prevent heat stress in plants
Heat-Related Illnesses and Agricultural Producers
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