We invite you to cozy on up to your listening devices for part two of our Halloween Special! This spooky and spoopy, cute and morbid, heart-warming and heart-ripping extra EXTRA special episode of Alone in a Room with Invisible People is sure to have a story or two fitting your tastes... be they for sweets or gore!
Writers and listeners of the podcast have once again given us some wonderful and entertaining stories to behold in our third and final annual holiday podcast! Enough that you'll be getting one episode today and another on All Hallow's Eve itself!
Using Holly’s Free ‘How to Write Flash Fiction that Doesn’t Suck’ course, our authors have submitted their Halloween-themed stories. Beginners and pros alike have joined in to give you hours of tales of the macabre, scary, goofy, quirky, sad and funny!!
There is a story for everyone, all in bite size, delectable chunks, just like your favorite pieces of Halloween candy! So carve out sometime on Hallowe'en to feast on candy & these stories!
If you liked what you heard, you can find the Author List (alphabetical by story), links, music and sound attribution on our show notes at www.alonewithinvisiblepeople.com