In recent decades, with the rise of "Pop Wisdom," "Self-Help," "Mindfulness," "Yoga," "Meditation," and "Spirituality," there has also been introduced seemingly innocuous ear-worms that go something like, "stop your thinking," or "get out of your head and into the heart," or "quiet your mind," and the like. But these "thought-forms" are crippling when then go unchecked... and they have been backed by the kind of zeal and fervor that could only be driven by something deeper... I call it "((Mind))-/phobia/." And while the new-age, meditation, and spirituality movements have their particular obvious brand of it... the issue is actually much more universal. Even people who consider themselves pro-logic are suffering from a ((Mind)) phobia. Bottom line... we lost our minds long ago... and it's time to take back our ((Minds))... that is... UPGRADE our ((Minding)) to become truly ((Happy)).