my best friend since 5th grade and YahoooOOOooo sports senior podcast producer BRETT RADER joins me this week! i'm sick so sorry for coughing. we barely talk about the super bowl but we DO talk about:
- What it's like to work at Media Row during super bowl week.
- How Adam's Song might be the only song to mention Apple Juice (are we wrong??? please send us your #AppleJuiceSongs to @BadFootballPod)
- How morning zoo radio will adapt to our genderless future
- and finally a DEEP DIVE on this year's HORRIBLE COMMERCIALS
i'm probably not gonna be back til the draft. maybe we'll do one or two other episodes before that but do not count on it!!!!!!
i love you, thank you for listening to this incredibly stupid podcast. this has been very fun and the next two months will fly by.