In this episode, the story of a young Swedish farm girl who moved to Australia when she
was 22, and with little command of the English language, managed to create a global
stationary business that now has over 100 stores in 5 countries employing up to 1,000
people in the busy time … plus an online store selling to 147 countries.
Kristina Karlsson is the founder and Creative Director of Kikki-K … a global Swedish design
and stationery business she launched in 2001 when she cleverly managed to convince her
then partner (now husband) Paul, to sell his home and max out all his credit cards in order
to bring her dream to life.
Well, her power of persuasion worked a treat, as Kikki-K is now a household name on the
Australian stationary scene … a brand, that in Kristina’s own words is ‘empowering and
inspiring stationery lovers everywhere to live their best life’.
But, as you’re about to find out, the growth of this retail juggernaut hasn’t all been smooth
sailing, as Kristina juggled opening up stores in multiple countries, with the pressures of
family life and growing her dream business.
I caught up with her at Kikki-K’s inner-Melbourne headquarters.
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