Quote: “Once you taste the joy of living in beauty and love, you no longer find anything captivating about suffering.”
This episode highlights misconceptions and beliefs about pain and suffering always being part of the path to success, as if it’s the only way we will win. I’ve seen the labels and sayings and testimonies that “boast” about the strength and resilience acquired from pain. We have tricked our minds into expecting success will blossom from massive change if we go through something first. That will not be my story. And that’s not today’s message.
Sankofa Bluu or ïlluMimamiii talks about: Love languages and how they change; the importance and practice of listening, reflecting, and experiencing the emotion within the pain to uncover the truth of our body and spirit.
It is “With humility, an open heart and mind, we embrace the sacred study of yoga.” If we understand in our heart that “yoga is the uniting of consciousness (knowing and embodying your divinity ) in the heart,” then we have the ability to heal and move through our pain with more ease and forgiveness. Some tips were shared in uncovering hard truths and alchemizing our pains into power and recognizing that our success literally doesn’t and does not have to stem from our pain stories but rather from our strength gained in listening, reflecting and experiencing everything on our path.
Businesses and Websites Mentioned:
Take the Love Language Quiz: Discover Your Love Language - The 5 Love Languages®
Quotes from Book: The Secret Power of Yoga: A woman’s Guide to the Heart and Spirit of the Yoga Sutras by Nischala Joy Devi
Beauty Butters LLC : Shea Butter and Marshmallow Hibiscus Body Oil Beauty Butters: Beauty Confident Natural Skincare (beautybuttersllc.com)
Podcast IG: @ïlluMimamiii https://instagram.com/illumimamiii?utm_medium=copy_link