In this lecture we are finishing up with the analysis, discussion and exploration of chapter 2 of J.D. Salinger’s famed and beloved masterpiece, The Catcher in the Rye. In this lecture we examine the psychology and character traits that Mr. Spencer and Holden possess through their interaction with one another. We rely on Holden’s description of the experience, and his description of Old Spencer, and his thoughts on him, in order to form a picture of this character and his relation to Holden. Furthermore, we get to observe how Holden participates in the phoniness of society which he despises, perhaps without his own conscious perception. The indoctrination into society is so subtle, that one typically fails to perceive when they are acting out the proper expected duties and behaviors that they were taught, it is automatic, practically an impulse, like we read in this chapter regarding Holden’s actions. Additionally, Holden displays his uncertainty about himself and his future.
The Catcher in The Rye, like many others, is one of my favorite novels, and by far my favorite coming of age novel. We get the opportunity to analyze Holden Caulfield, explore his psychology, his experiences, and his unique hero’s journey which then allows us to understand ourselves even better. Throughout the lecture I will try to show similarities between what Holden is going through and what we go through in our lives through a detailed analysis of the story, recounting numerous personal anecdotes, and mentioning life experiences that we all share and can relate to. Tune in or feel free to watch the lecture series on YouTube as well.