‘Why can’t Stevie Wonder tie his own shoelaces?’
‘Because of a clause in a crippling Motown recording contract signed when he was a child’
Andy from Hits21 joins me to cherish the prestige popcraft of Stevie Wonder … and, of course, to flog one of music criticism’s oldest, deadest horses by noticing how comparatively crap his 80s stuff is (Hotter than July is smashin’, though).
What is the opening chord to ‘As’?
How do you pronounce moog?
Why does no one pick Superstition?
Has mint ever been sexy in any context?
A good… half to a third of these will ALL be answered!
Take an entertaining, insightful trawl through
the 21st century public’s conception of pop greatness with
the Hits21 Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/7mcG2eHx146WWVzAZBHAqF
And, as this episode took me so goddamn long to
edit – he’s only got another podcast now about… well… NOW (‘that’s what I call music!’) https://t.co/HE37dQnkVB