What does it mean to be trendy?
When clients announce to me that they are “not trendy” upon first consultation, I know that it means one or a combination of these 3 things:
“I have definitive opinions about what I do and don’t like.”
“I want the selections in my space to have staying power, i.e. I don’t want my space to feel dated in a couple of years.”
“I want to feel seen in my space.”
Many times they have invested in products or services that haven’t aged well.
Or conversely, they have made choices they loved in the past. And now what they see in the retail market isn’t their vibe, yet they feel the need to update.
I often get asked about the Colors promoted as “color of the year” by the different companies.
Specifically, I get asked what I think.
I have come to recognize that it is a loaded question.
In this episode, I tell you EXACTLY what I think. The muzzle’s off!
I have some pretty strong opinions:
They get cerebral: bringing in Rudolf Steiner’s writings on color energetics. His analysis of color he refers to as Peach Blossom in his 1921 lectures on color is relevant in this discussion of Pantone’s selection of Peach Fuzz for 2024 over 100 years later! The energetics of a color matter.
They get subjective: I was sailing the deep, history-laden parts of the Mediterranean when Benjamin Moore’s Blue Nova and it’s corresponding color palette was unveiled.
They get biased: a girl’s gotta have favorites!
I explain the difference between a “trend”- which is a forecast with underlying significance. And a “selection”- which is a marketing tactic designed to speak to a particular demographic.
We do live in a consumer-driven society, after all.
Your home should reflect your individuality, inspire you, and propel you forward.
You can understand yourself by understanding how you gravitate toward (or run from!) a color palette and unlock what’s right for YOU!